We have arrived to the square of the cathedral, we can see the splendid facade of it.
The main cover of the cathedral of Huesca was made towards 1327. This cover is formed by archivolts that alternate vegetal decorations, and of history on the life of martyrs, virgins, saints and prophets. In the eardrum, under a pierced canopy we can see the Virgin and the boy, flanked by two angels. In the threshold we see the shields of Aragón, the shield of the bishop Martin Lopez de Azlor and the one of Huesca at medieval time. In the jambs there are 14 images, 11 apostles, more St John the Baptist and St Lorenz and St Vincent, children and patrons of the city. On the main cover protected by eaves worked in wood in 1536, a gothic body in flaming rises formed by two large windows, rosette and pierced gothic watershed.
The tower of the bell is a construction of century XIV. It corresponds to the style of bell towers of the gothic levantino. In their construction took part the teachers Juan de Alguiñero, Juan de Quadres and Pere Jalopa.
The southern door (the small one of the right) is of archaic gothic style, of century XIV. It is of rectangular plant covered with vault with crucería. In the central eardrum there is a Calvario and in the lateral ones they appear the three Marys and the tomb of Christ kept by an angel.
To continue the tour, let´s enter the cathedral.