We are now in the side of the temple that conserves better paintings. Let´s stop in front of the right wall and let´s zoom-in (if you open it in Full Screen you will observe the details much better). To the right we have the tomb of Ximeno de Foces, the nobleman who commanded to construct this magnificent temple. To the left of this is the tomb of its son Atho de Foces.
On the tomb of Ximeno de Foces we can observe the scenes of the Maiestas Domini and the Crucifixion. In the part that hides the tomb is a painting that represents a cloth with folds. In the soffit they appear two angels, St Catherine, St Francis, St John the Baptist and St Margaret.
Around the tomb of Atho we can see the following things: A scene of the calvary, underneath there is a strip in which it is witten: ´The year of the Lord of 1,302, day Monday 19 of September, died the nobleman Atho de Foces, son of the nobleman Eximio de Foces, who built this church. Their souls rest peacefully.´
Under this strip we see the ascencion of the soul, that is represented by two angels leaving clouds, leading towards the sky the soul of the deceased. In the soffit we can see angels and Saints each side.
In the superior wall, we can see decorated shields. We can see also angels with trumpets. And finally in the upper part we can see the complete cycle of the life of St John the Baptist.